v. 25B6; verb
he suddenly realized what she meant : REGISTER, perceive, discern, be/become aware of (the fact that), be/become conscious of (the fact that), notice; understand, grasp, comprehend, see, recognize, work out, fathom (out), apprehend; informal latch on to, cotton on to, tumble to, savvy, figure out, get (the message); Brit. informal twig, suss; formal be/become cognizant of.
they realized their dream : FULFIL, achieve, accomplish, make a reality, make happen, bring to fruition, bring about/off, carry out/through; formal effectuate.
the company realized significant profits : MAKE, clear, gain, earn, return, produce.
the goods realized £3000 : BE SOLD FOR, fetch, go for, make, net.
he realized his assets : CASH IN, liquidate, capitalize.