adj. 25B6; adjective
we felt sad when we left : UNHAPPY, sorrowful, dejected, depressed, downcast, miserable, down, despondent, despairing, disconsolate, desolate, wretched, glum, gloomy, doleful, dismal, melancholy, mournful, woebegone, forlorn, crestfallen, heartbroken, inconsolable; informal blue, down in the mouth, down in the dumps.
they knew her sad story : TRAGIC, unhappy, unfortunate, awful, miserable, wretched, sorry, pitiful, pathetic, traumatic, heartbreaking, heart-rending, harrowing.
a sad state of affairs : UNFORTUNATE, regrettable, sorry, deplorable, lamentable, pitiful, shameful, disgraceful.
happy, cheerful, fortunate.