Synonyms and related words :
Quaker-colored, abominable, acier, affecting, afflictive, anguished, anxious, arrant, ashen, ashy, atrocious, awful, badly off, base, beastly, beggarly, beneath contempt, beneath one, bitter, blackish, blameworthy, bleak, blue, bored, brutal, canescent, cheap, cheerless, cheesy, cinereous, cinerous, comfortless, common, contemptible, creamy, crummy, dapple, dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, dark, dark-colored, darkish, darksome, debasing, degrading, dejected, delicate, demeaning, deplorable, depressed, depressing, depressive, desolate, despicable, detestable, dingy, dire, discomforting, disgraceful, disgusted, disgusting, dismal, dismaying, dispirited, distressful, distressing, doleful, dolorific, dolorogenic, dolorous, donsie, doomful, dove-colored, dove-gray, down, downbeat, downcast, dreadful, drear, dreary, dull, dumpish, dumpy, dusk, dusky, dusty, eggshell, egregious, enormous, evil-starred, fatal, fetid, filthy, flagrant, flat, fortuneless, foul, fulsome, funereal, funest, gaudy, gimcracky, glaucescent, glaucous, gloomy, gloss, grave, gray, gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green, gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, grieving, grievous, grim, griseous, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, gross, gutter, hapless, hateful, heavy, heavyhearted, heinous, horrible, horrid, humiliating, humiliative, ill off, ill-starred, in adverse circumstances, inauspicious, infamous, infra dig, infra indignitatem, iridescent, iron-gray, joyless, laden with sorrow, lamentable, lead-gray, leaden, light, livid, loathsome, long-faced, lousy, luckless, mean, melancholic, melancholy, mellow, meretricious, mirthless, miserable, monstrous, morose, mother-of-pearl, mournful, mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, moving, nacreous, nasty, nauseated, nauseous, nefarious, nigrescent, noisome, notorious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, ominous, opalescent, oppressed, opprobrious, out of luck, outrageous, painful, pale, paltry, pastel, pathetic, patinaed, pearl, pearl-gray, pearly, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, planet-struck, pleasureless, poignant, poor, prey to malaise, quiet, rank, regrettable, repelled, reprehensible, repulsive, revolted, rotten, rubbishy, rueful, sad of heart, sad-eyed, sad-faced, saddened, saddening, sadhearted, scandalous, schlock, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, semigloss, shabby, shameful, sharp, shocking, shoddy, short of luck, sickened, silver, silver-gray, silvered, silvery, simple, slate-colored, slaty, smoke-gray, smoky, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, softened, somber, sombrous, sordid, sore, sorrowful, sorry, squalid, star-crossed, steel-gray, steely, stone-colored, subdued, subtle, suffering angst, swart, swarthy, sweet, taupe, tear-jerking, tender, terrible, too bad, touching, trashy, triste, trumpery, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, unbecoming, unblessed, unclean, uncomfortable, underprivileged, uneasy, unfortunate, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unlucky, unprosperous, unprovidential, unquiet, unsatisfied, unworthy of one, valueless, vile, villainous, weighed upon, weighted down, woebegone, woeful, worst, worthless, wretched