n. 25B6; verb
stir the mixture well : MIX, blend, agitate; beat, whip, whisk, fold in; N. Amer. muddle.
Travis stirred in his sleep : MOVE SLIGHTLY, change one's position, shift.
a breeze stirred the leaves : DISTURB, rustle, shake, move, flutter, agitate.
he finally stirred at ten o'clock : GET UP, get out of bed, rouse oneself, rise; WAKE (UP), awaken; informal rise and shine, surface, show signs of life; formal arise; poetic/literary waken.
I never stirred from here : MOVE, budge, make a move, shift, go away; leave.
symbolism can stir the imagination : AROUSE, rouse, fire, kindle, inspire, stimulate, excite, awaken, quicken; poetic/literary waken.
the war stirred him to action : SPUR, drive, rouse, prompt, propel, prod, motivate, encourage; urge, impel; provoke, goad, prick, sting, incite; N. Amer. light a fire under.
go to bed, retire, go to sleep, stultify, stay, stay put.
25B6; noun the news caused a stir : COMMOTION, disturbance, fuss, excitement, turmoil, sensation; informal to-do, hoo-ha, hullabaloo, flap, splash.
25A0; stir something up WHIP UP, work up, foment, fan the flames of, trigger, spark off, precipitate, excite, provoke, incite.