■ noun
1》 the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.
2》 violence involving ~shed.
3》 fiery or passionate temperament.
4》 family background; descent or lineage: she must have Irish ~.
5》 dated a fashionable and dashing young man.
■ verb
1》 initiate (someone) in a particular activity.
2》 Hunting smear the face of (a novice hunter) with the ~ of the kill.
↘give (a hound) a first taste of ~.
~ and thunder informal unrestrained and violent action or behaviour.
one's ~ is up one is in a fighting mood.
~, sweat, and tears extremely hard work.
first ~
1》 the first shedding of ~ in a fight or (formerly) a duel.
2》 the first point or advantage gained in a contest.
give ~ allow ~ to be removed medically from one's body in order to be stored for use in transfusions.
have ~ on one's hands be responsible for someone's death.
in one's ~ ingrained in or fundamental to one's character.
make someone's ~ boil informal infuriate someone.
make someone's ~ run cold horrify someone.
new (or fresh ) ~ new members admitted to a group.
of the ~ ( royal ) literary royal.
young ~ a younger member or members of a group.
OE blōd , of Gmc origin.