Meaning of BUCK in English

~ 1

■ noun

1》 the male of some animals, especially deer and antelopes.

↘ S. African an antelope (of either sex).

2》 a vertical jump performed by a horse, with the head lowered, back arched, and back legs thrown out behind.

3》 archaic a fashionable and daring young man.

■ verb

1》 (of a horse) perform a ~.

2》 oppose or resist: ~ the trend.

3》 ( ~ someone up or ~ up ) informal make or become more cheerful.

■ adjective US military slang lowest of a particular rank: a ~ private.


~ up one's ideas become more serious, energetic, and hard-working.


OE: partly from buc 'male deer', of Gmc origin; reinforced by bucca 'male goat'.


~ 2

■ noun informal

1》 N. Amer. & Austral./NZ a dollar.

2》 S. African a rand.

3》 Indian a rupee.


a fast ~ easily and quickly earned money.


C19: of unknown origin.


~ 3

■ noun an object placed as a reminder in front of a poker player whose turn it is to deal.


the ~ stops here informal the responsibility for something cannot be passed to someone else.

pass the ~ informal shift responsibility to someone else.


C19: of unknown origin.

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