Meaning of CRY in English

■ verb ( cries , ~ing , cried )

1》 shed tears.

2》 shout or scream loudly.

↘(of a hawker) proclaim (wares) for sale.

3》 (of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call.

4》 ( ~ out for ) demand as a self-evident requirement or solution: the scheme is ~ing out for reform.

5》 ( ~ off ) informal go back on a promise or fail to keep to an arrangement.

6》 ( ~ someone/thing up or down ) dated disparage (or praise) someone or something.

■ noun ( plural cries )

1》 a loud shout or scream.

↘an urgent appeal or entreaty.

2》 a spell of weeping.

3》 a distinctive call of a bird or other animal.


~ for the moon ask for what is unattainable or impossible.

for ~ing out loud informal used to express irritation or impatience.


ME: from OFr. crier (v.), cri (n.), from L. quiritare 'raise a public out~', lit. 'call on the Quirites (Roman citizens) for help'.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.