[ dam ]
■ verb
1》 ( be ~ed ) (in Christian belief) be condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell.
↘be doomed to misfortune or failure.
2》 condemn, especially publicly.
3》 curse.
■ exclamation informal expressing anger or frustration.
■ adjective informal used to emphasize one's anger or frustration: turn that ~ thing off!
as near as ~ it informal as close to being accurate as makes no difference.
~ all Brit. informal nothing.
~ with faint praise praise so unenthusiastically as to imply condemnation.
I'm (or I'll be ) ~ed if informal used to express a strong negative: I'm ~ed if I know.
not be worth a ~ informal have no value.
well I'll be (or I'm ) ~ed informal used to express surprise.
ME: from OFr. dam(p)ner , from L. dam(p)nare 'inflict loss on', from ~um 'loss, damage'.