[damn] vb damned ; damn.ing [ME dampnen, fr. OF dampner, fr. L damnare, fr. damnum damage, loss, fine] vt (13c) 1: to condemn to a punishment or fate; esp: to condemn to hell
2. a: to condemn vigorously and often irascibly for some real or fancied fault or defect "~ed the storm for their delay" b: to condemn as a failure by public criticism
3: to bring ruin on
4: to swear at: curse--often used to express annoyance, disgust, or surprise ~ vi: curse, swear syn see execrate
[2]damn n (1619) 1: the utterance of the word damn as a curse
2: a minimum amount or degree (as of care or consideration): the least bit "don't give a ~" [3]damn adj or adv (1775): damned "a ~ nuisance" "ran ~ fast" -- damn well : beyond doubt or question: certainly "knew damn well what would happen"