■ noun the external side or surface of something.
↘the part of a path nearer to a road.
↘the side of a bend or curve where the edge is longer.
↘( ~s ) the outer sheets of a ream of paper.
↘the external appearance of someone or something.
■ adjective
1》 situated on or near the ~.
↘(in hockey, soccer, etc.) denoting positions nearer to the sides of the field.
2》 not of or belonging to a particular group.
↘beyond one's immediate personal concerns.
■ preposition & adverb
1》 situated or moving beyond the boundaries of.
↘not being a member of.
↘(in hockey, soccer, etc.) closer to the side of the field than.
2》 beyond the limits or scope of.
at the ~ at the most.
an ~ chance a remote possibility.
~ of informal, chiefly N. Amer. beyond the boundaries of.
↘apart from.