■ verb prɪ'sɪpɪteɪt
1》 cause (an undesirable event) to happen unexpectedly or prematurely.
2》 cause to move suddenly and with force.
↘( ~ someone/thing into ) send someone or something without warning into a particular state or condition.
3》 Chemistry cause (a substance) to be deposited in solid form from a solution.
↘cause (drops of moisture or particles of dust) to be deposited from the atmosphere or from a vapour or suspension.
■ adjective prɪ'sɪpɪtət done, acting, or occurring suddenly or without careful consideration.
■ noun prɪ'sɪpɪtət , -teɪt Chemistry a substance ~d from a solution.
precipitable adjective
~ly adverb
~ness noun
precipitator noun
C16 (orig. 'hurl down, send violently', later 'cause to move rapidly'): from L. praecipitat- , praecipitare 'throw headlong', from praeceps , praecip(it)- 'headlong', from prae 'before' + caput 'head'.