■ adjective
1》 moving fast or doing something in a short time.
↘lasting a short time.
2》 intelligent.
↘(of one's eye or ear) alert.
3》 (of a person's temper) easily roused.
■ noun
1》 ( the ~ ) the tender flesh below the growing part of a fingernail or toenail.
↘the central or most sensitive part of someone or something.
2》 [as pluralnoun the ~ ] archaic those who are living.
cut someone to the ~ cause someone deep distress.
~ and dirty informal, chiefly US done or produced hastily.
a ~ one informal a rapidly consumed alcoholic drink.
~ with child archaic at a stage of pregnancy when the fetus can be felt to move.
~ly adverb
~ness noun
OE cwic , cwicu 'alive, animated, alert', of Gmc origin.