■ noun
1》 a broad piece of armour held by straps or a handle on one side, used for protection against blows or missiles.
↘ Heraldry a stylized representation of a ~ used for displaying a coat of arms.
2》 a sporting trophy consisting of an engraved metal plate mounted on a piece of wood.
3》 a US police officer's badge.
4》 Geology a large rigid area of Precambrian rock, unaffected by later crustal processes.
5》 a person or thing providing protection.
↘a protective plate, screen, or other structure.
■ verb
1》 protect from a danger, risk, etc.
↘enclose or screen (machinery) to protect the user.
2》 prevent from being seen.
3》 prevent or reduce the escape of sound, light, or other radiation from.
~less adjective
OE scild (n.), scildan (v.), of Gmc origin, from a base meaning 'divide, separate'.