Synonyms and related words :
achievement, advocate, aegis, alerion, animal charge, annulet, apply to, argent, arm, arm guard, armament, armature, armor, armor plate, armorial bearings, armory, arms, azure, backstop, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bend, bend sinister, billet, blanket, blazon, blazonry, bless, block, body armor, bordure, broad arrow, buckler, buffer, bulletproof vest, bulwark, bumper, cadency mark, canopy, canton, chain armor, chain mail, chamber, champion, chaplet, charge, chevron, chief, chitin, cloak, clothe, cloud, coat, coat of arms, coat of mail, cockatrice, compass about, contraceptive, cope, copyright, coronet, cortex, cover, cover up, coverage, covering, covert, coverture, cowl, cowling, crash helmet, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, curtain, cushion, dashboard, defence, defend, device, difference, differencing, dodger, drape, drapery, eagle, eclipse, elytron, ensure, episperm, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, face mask, falcon, fence, fend, fender, fess, fess point, field, file, film, finger guard, flanch, flank, fleur-de-lis, foot guard, fret, fur, fuse, fusil, garland, goggles, governor, griffin, guarantee, guard, guard against, guardrail, guise, gules, gyron, habergeon, hand guard, handrail, hanging, harbor, hard hat, harness, hatchment, hauberk, haven, helmet, heraldic device, honor point, hood, house, housing, impalement, impaling, inescutcheon, insulation, insure, interlock, keep, keep from harm, knee guard, knuckle guard, label, laminated glass, lay on, lay over, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, lion, lorica, lorication, lozenge, mail, make safe, mantle, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mask, metal, motto, mudguard, muffle, mullet, needles, nestle, nombril point, nose guard, obduce, obscure, occult, octofoil, or, ordinary, orle, overlay, overspread, pad, padding, pale, pall, palladium, paly, panoply, patent, pean, pericarp, pheon, pilot, plate, plate armor, police, preventive, prophylactic, protect, protection, protective clothing, protective covering, protective umbrella, purpure, put on, quarter, quartering, register, ride shotgun for, roof, rose, sable, safeguard, safety, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, saltire, screen, scum, scutcheon, scute, scutum, seat belt, secure, security, shell, shelter, shin guard, shroud, spines, spread eagle, spread over, subordinary, suit of armor, sun helmet, superimpose, superpose, tenne, test, testa, thick skin, tincture, torse, tressure, umbrella, underwrite, unicorn, vair, veil, vert, vestment, ward, windscreen, windshield, wreath, yale