■ adjective
1》 higher in rank, status, or quality.
↘of high standard or quality.
↘greater in size or power.
↘( ~ to ) above yielding to or being influenced by.
2》 conceited or arrogant.
3》 (of a letter, figure, or symbol) written or printed above the line.
4》 Anatomy further above or out; higher in position.
↘ Botany (of the ovary of a flower) situated above the sepals and petals.
■ noun
1》 a person of ~ rank.
↘the head of a monastery or other religious institution.
2》 Printing a ~ letter, figure, or symbol.
~ity noun
~ly adverb
ME: from OFr. superiour , from L. ~ , compar. of superus 'that is above', from super 'above'.