adj. & n.
1. in a higher position; of higher rank (a superior officer; a superior court).
2 a above the average in quality etc. (made of superior leather). b having or showing a high opinion of oneself; supercilious (had a superior air).
3 (often foll. by to) a better or greater in some respect (superior to its rivals in speed). b above yielding, making concessions, paying attention, etc. (is superior to bribery; superior to temptation).
4 further above or out; higher, esp.: a Astron. (of a planet) having an orbit further from the sun than the earth's. b Zool. (of an insect's wings) folding over others. c Printing (of figures or letters) placed above the line. d Bot. (of the calyx) above the ovary. e Bot. (of the ovary) above the calyx.
1. a person superior to another in rank, character, etc. (is deferential to his superiors; is his superior in courage).
2 (fem. superioress) Eccl. the head of a monastery or other religious institution (Mother Superior; Father Superior).
3 Printing a superior letter or figure.
Phrases and idioms:
superior numbers esp. Mil. more men etc. or their strength (overcome by superior numbers). superior persons esp. iron. the better educated or {eacute}lite; prigs.
superiorly adv.
Etymology: ME f. OF superiour f. L superior -oris, compar. of superus that is above f. super above