Meaning of SWALLOW in English

~ 1

■ verb

1》 cause or allow (food, drink, etc.) to pass down the throat.

↘make a similar movement of the throat, especially through fear or nervousness.

2》 take in and cause to disappear; engulf.

3》 put up with or meekly accept.

↘resist expressing: he ~ed his pride.

4》 believe (an untrue or unlikely statement) unquestioningly.

■ noun an act of ~ing something.


~able adjective

~er noun


OE swelgan , of Gmc origin.


~ 2

■ noun a migratory swift-flying insectivorous songbird with a forked tail. [ Hirundo rustica and other species, family Hirundinidae.]


OE swealwe , of Gmc origin.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.