■ verb
1》 make or become bent or twisted out of shape, typically from the action of heat or damp.
↘make abnormal; distort.
2》 (with reference to a ship) move or be moved along by hauling on a rope attached to a stationary object ashore.
3》 arrange (yarn) so as to form the ~ of a piece of cloth.
4》 cover (land) with a deposit of alluvial soil by flooding.
■ noun
1》 a distortion or twist in shape.
2》 the lengthwise threads on a loom over and under which the weft threads are passed to make cloth.
3》 a rope attached at one end to a fixed point and used for moving or mooring a ship.
4》 archaic alluvial sediment.
~age noun
~er noun
OE (early senses included 'throw' and 'hit') weorpan (v.), wearp (n.), of Gmc origin.