Sampling, collecting, observing, or surveying the fish or fishery resources, on board scientific research vessels, to increase scientific knowledge of the fishery resources or their environment, or to test a hypothesis as part of a planned, directed investigation or study conducted according to methodologies generally accepted as appropriate for scientific research. It involves fishing but is usually exempted from fishing regulations. It may address one or more issues involving taxonomy, biology, physiology, behavior, disease, aging, growth, mortality, migration, recruitment, distribution, abundance, ecology, stock structure, bycatch, and catch estimation of finfish and shellfish (invertebrate) species considered to be a component of the fishery resources. It does not include the collection and retention of fish outside the scope of the applicable research plan. The capture and landing of quantities of fish or invertebrates for commercial testing of fishing gear, product development, market research, and/or public display may not be considered scientific research activities and require permission under exempted fishing procedures. The activity of foreign fishery research vessels in an EEZ will usually be considered as scientific research if they are carried out in full cooperation with the coastal state. Modified from: US Department of Commerce (1996).
Fishery English glossary. Английский глоссарий рыболовства . 2012