transcription, транскрипция: [ tʃu: ]
v. & n. (also absol.) work (food etc.) between the teeth; crush or indent with the teeth. --n. 1 an act of chewing. 2 something for chewing, esp. a chewy sweet. øchew the cud reflect, ruminate. chew the fat (or rag) sl. 1 chat. 2 grumble. chewing-gum flavoured gum, esp. chicle, for chewing. chew on 1 work continuously between the teeth (chewed on a piece of string). 2 think about; meditate on. chew out US colloq. reprimand. chew over 1 discuss, talk over. 2 think about; meditate on. øøchewable adj. chewer n. [OE ceowan]