I. ˈchü verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cēowan; akin to Old High German kiuwan to chew, Russian zhevat'
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1. : to crush, grind, or gnaw (as food) with or as if with the teeth : masticate
2. : to injure, destroy, or consume as if by chewing — usually used with up
chew ing up profits
intransitive verb
: to chew something ; specifically : to chew tobacco
• chew·able -ə-bəl adjective
• chew·er noun
• chewy ˈchü-ē adjective
- chew on
- chew the fat
II. noun
Date: 13th century
1. : the act of chewing
2. : something for chewing