transcription, транскрипция: [ i:ˈkɔnəmɪ ]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the wealth and resources of a community, esp. in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. b a particular kind of this (a capitalist economy). c the administration or condition of an economy. 2 a the careful management of (esp. financial) resources; frugality. b (often in pl.) an instance of this (made many economies). 3 sparing or careful use (economy of language). 4 (also economy class) the cheapest class of air travel. 5 (attrib.) (also economy-size) (of goods) consisting of a large quantity for a proportionally lower cost. [F ÷conomie or L oeconomia f. Gk oikonomia household management f. oikos house + nemo manage]