transcription, транскрипция: [ ɡrəu ]
v. (past grew; past part. grown) 1 intr. increase in size, height, quantity, degree, or in any way regarded as measurable (e.g. authority or reputation) (often foll. by in: grew in stature). 2 intr. a develop or exist as a living plant or natural product. b develop in a specific way or direction (began to grow sideways). c germinate, sprout; spring up. 3 intr. be produced; come naturally into existence; arise. 4 intr. (as grown adj.) fully matured; adult. 5 intr. a become gradually (grow rich; grow less). b (foll. by to + infin.) come by degrees (grew to like it). 6 intr. (foll. by into) a become, having grown or developed (the acorn has grown into a tall oak; will grow into a fine athlete). b become large enough for or suited to (will grow into the coat; grew into her new job). 7 intr. (foll. by on) become gradually more favoured by. 8 tr. a produce (plants, fruit, wood, etc.) by cultivation. b bring forth. c cause (a beard etc.) to develop. 9 tr. (in passive; foll. by over, up) be covered with a growth. øgrowing bag a bag containing peat-based potting compost in which plants may be grown. growing pains 1 early difficulties in the development of an enterprise etc. 2 neuralgic pain in children's legs due to fatigue etc. grown-up adj. adult. --n. an adult person. grow out of 1 become too large to wear (a garment). 2 become too mature to retain (a childish habit etc.). 3 be the result or development of. grow together coalesce. grow up 1 a advance to maturity. b (esp. in imper.) begin to behave sensibly. 2 (of a custom) arise, become common. øøgrowable adj. [OE growan f. Gmc, rel. to GRASS, GREEN]