transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈgrō ]
( grew ˈgrü ; grown ˈgrōn ; grow·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English grōwan; akin to Old High German gruowan to grow
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb
a. : to spring up and develop to maturity
b. : to be able to grow in some place or situation
trees that grow in the tropics
c. : to assume some relation through or as if through a process of natural growth
ferns grow ing from the rocks
a. : to increase in size by assimilation of material into the living organism or by accretion of material in a nonbiological process (as crystallization)
b. : increase , expand
grow s in wisdom
3. : to develop from a parent source
the book grew out of a series of lectures
a. : to pass into a condition : become
grew pale
b. : to have an increasing influence
habit grow s on a person
c. : to become increasingly acceptable or attractive
didn't like it at first, but it grew on him
transitive verb
a. : to cause to grow
grow wheat
b. : to let grow on the body
grew a beard
2. : to promote the development of
start a business and grow it successfully — J. L. Deckter
• grow·er ˈgrō(-ə)r noun
• grow·ing·ly ˈgrō-iŋ-lē adverb