transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈhaɪə ]
v. & n. 1 (often foll. by from) procure the temporary use of (a thing) for an agreed payment (hired a van from them). 2 esp. US employ (a person) for wages or a fee. 3 US borrow (money). --n. 1 hiring or being hired. 2 payment for this. øfor (or on) hire ready to be hired. hire-car a car available for hire. hired girl (or man) US a domestic servant, esp. on a farm. hire out grant the temporary use of (a thing) for an agreed payment. hire purchase Brit. a system by which a person may purchase a thing by regular payments while having the use of it. øøhireable adj. (US hirable). hirer n. [OE hyrian, hyr f. WG]