transcription, транскрипция: [ læm ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a young sheep. 2 the flesh of a lamb as food. 3 a mild or gentle person, esp. a young child. --v. 1 a tr. (in passive) (of a lamb) be born. b intr. (of a ewe) give birth to lambs. 2 tr. tend (lambing ewes). øThe Lamb (or The Lamb of God) a name for Christ (see John 1:29) (cf. AGNUS DEI). lamb's fry lamb's testicles or other offal as food. lamb's lettuce a plant, Valerianella locusta, used in salad. lamb's-tails catkins from the hazel tree. like a lamb meekly, obediently. øølamber n. lambhood n. lambkin n. lamblike adj. [OE lamb f. Gmc]