transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈmə:də ]
n. & v. --n. 1 the unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by another (cf. MANSLAUGHTER). 2 colloq. an unpleasant, troublesome, or dangerous state of affairs (it was murder here on Saturday). 1 kill (a human being) unlawfully, esp. wickedly or inhumanly. 2 Law kill (a human being) with a premeditated motive. 3 colloq. utterly defeat or spoil by a bad performance, mispronunciation etc. (murdered the soliloquy in the second act). øcry blue murder sl. make an extravagant outcry. get away with murder colloq. do whatever one wishes and escape punishment. murder will out murder cannot remain undetected. øømurderer n. murderess n. [OE morthor & OF murdre f. Gmc]