n. 1 any usu. tropical tree of the family Palmae, with no branches and a mass of large pinnate or fan-shaped leaves at the top. 2 the leaf of this tree as a symbol of victory. 3 a supreme excellence. b a prize for this. 4 a branch of various trees used instead of a palm in non-tropical countries, esp. in celebrating Palm Sunday. øpalm oil oil from the fruit of any of various palms. Palm Sunday the Sunday before Easter, celebrating Christ's entry into Jerusalem. palm wine an alcoholic drink made from fermented palm sap. øøpalmaceous adj. [OE palm(a) f. Gmc f. L palma PALM(2), its leaf being likened to a spread hand]
Meaning of PALM in English
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012