transcription, транскрипция: [ trʌs ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a framework, e.g. of rafters and struts, supporting a roof or bridge etc. 2 a surgical appliance worn to support a hernia. 3 Brit. a bundle of old hay (56 lb.) or new hay (60 lb.) or straw (36 lb.). 4 a compact terminal cluster of flowers or fruit. 5 a large corbel supporting a monument etc. 6 Naut. a heavy iron ring securing the lower yards to a mast. 1 tie up (a fowl) compactly for cooking. 2 (often foll. by up) tie (a person) up with the arms to the sides. 3 support (a roof or bridge etc.) with a truss or trusses. øøtrusser n. [ME f. OF trusser (v.), trusse (n.), of unkn. orig.]