Meaning of TRUSS in English

I. verb


Sometimes I resent having to truss myself up like a stuffed chicken.

II. noun




As is the norm with most modern acoustics, the truss rod is again adjusted from inside the soundhole.

The truss rod cover I don't like particularly.

The neck has just the right amount of forward relief, and needs no adjustment to the truss rod .

The only thing that lets it down in this area is a slightly off-centre truss rod cover.

Allen key truss rod adjustment is located on the familiar, Fenderish headstock with its circular string retainer and elephant ear machineheads.

The bridge saddles were too high and the truss rod needed a full half-turn to make the neck straight and playable.

This settling period ensures that the necks get used to the tension of strings before their final truss rod adjustment.

Incidentally, Pedulla supply a superb wood-handled truss rod wrench with each bass - a real touch of class!


And that belief might have been linked to the character of the man in charge of the operation of assembling the trusses.

Hunts Point were first and foremost stone contractors, and they had hired an engineering firm to design and make the trusses.

Salvaged church timbers, even complete roof trusses are much in evidence.

The trusses are supported on the external load-bearing brickwork.

The 517-foot-long truss is painted ballpark green and resembles a large bridge.

The neck has just the right amount of forward relief, and needs no adjustment to the truss rod.

Wasson said a steel truss weighing about 2 million pounds will be raised atop the northeast and southeast towers on May 20-21.

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