Meaning of UPSET in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ʌpˈset ]

v., n., & adj. --v. (upsetting; past and past part. upset) 1 tr. & intr. overturn or be overturned. 2 tr. disturb the composure or digestion of (was very upset by the news; ate something that upset me). 3 tr. disrupt. 4 tr. shorten and thicken (metal, esp. a tire) by hammering or pressure. --n. 1 a condition of upsetting or being upset (a stomach upset). 2 a surprising result in a game etc. --adj. disturbed (an upset stomach). øupset price the lowest acceptable selling price of a property in an auction etc.; a reserve price. øøupsetter n. upsettingly adv.

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.