v. 1 disturb, agitate, distress, unsettle, put off, put out, perturb, disquiet, fluster, ruffle, frighten, scare, disconcert, dismay, trouble, worry, bother, discompose, make (someone) nervous We once had a nanny who told the children horror stories just to upset them 2 overturn, capsize, topple, up-end, tip over, knock over or down, invert, turn topsy-turvy or upside down, spill That is the third time this week you have upset the cream jug 3 disturb, derange, disrupt, disarrange, mess up, disorganize, snarl up, jumble, muddle, Colloq Brit kerfuffle or carfuffle or kurfuffle The boys upset the entire house with their horseplay 4 overthrow, defeat, beat, worst, thrash, rout, conquer, overcome, win out over, get the better of, get or gain the advantage over, triumph over, be victorious over, vanquish The question is whether the challenger will upset the champion in the Wimbledon finals 5 defeat, ruin, spoil, thwart, interfere with, destroy, demolish, mess up, disturb, Colloq throw a Brit spanner in(to) or US monkey wrench into (the works), US discombobulate, Slang screw up, gum up, put the kibosh on, Taboo slang fuck up , Brit bugger up Your coming early upset my plan to shampoo my hair
adj. 6 capsized, overturned, upside down, bottom side up, inverted, reversed, toppled, tipped over, topsy-turvy We clung to the bottom of the upset boat till help arrived 7 sick, queasy Eve has an upset stomach and cannot go 8 perturbed, disturbed, disquieted, disconcerted, agitated, distressed, worried, troubled, unnerved, distracted, apprehensive, nervous, frightened, scared, afraid We found Valdimir in a terribly upset state at Natasha's disappearance 9 disordered, confused, disorganized, messed-up, jumbled, muddled, disturbed, disarranged The house is never so upset as after a party 10 angry, irate, furious, beside oneself, mad, Colloq fit to be tied, Slang freaked out Father was upset because I took the car without his permission
n. 11 defeat, upsetting, conquest, overthrow, rout, thrashing, triumph, victory We celebrated the upset of Queen's Park Rangers by Manchester United 12 surprise, unexpected event or occurrence The upset of the season was when Carridoff won the Derby