transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈwɪtnɪs ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a person present at some event and able to give information about it (cf. EYEWITNESS). 2 a a person giving sworn testimony. b a person attesting another's signature to a document. 3 (foll. by to, of) a person or thing whose existence, condition, etc., attests or proves something (is a living witness to their generosity). 4 testimony, evidence, confirmation. --v. 1 tr. be a witness of (an event etc.) (did you witness the accident?). 2 tr. be witness to the authenticity of (a document or signature). 3 tr. serve as evidence or an indication of. 4 intr. (foll. by against, for, to) give or serve as evidence. øbear witness to (or of) 1 attest the truth of. 2 state one's belief in. call to witness appeal to for confirmation etc. witness-box (US -stand) an enclosure in a lawcourt from which witnesses give evidence. [OE witnes (as WIT(1), -NESS)]