{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the place where you live or come from. * * /I went to his house, but he was not at home./ * /Americans abroad are protected by the government like Americans at home./ 2. Knowing what to do or say; familiar; comfortable. * /Charles and John enjoy working together because they feel at home with each other./ * /The politician was at home among poor farmers and among rich factory owners./ * /Make the new student feel at home in your school./ * /Would you be at home driving a truck?/ * /Jim always lived by a lake, and he is at home in the water./ * /Tom has read many books about missiles and is at home in that subject./ Syn.: AT EASE(2). Compare: IN ONE'S ELEMENT, MAKE ONESELF AT HOME. Contrast: AT A LOSS.
Meaning of AT HOME in English
Dictionary of English idioms . Словарь английских идиом. 2012