Meaning of FOLLOW UP in English

{v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To chase or follow closely and without giving up. * /The Indians followed up the wounded buffalo until it fell dead./ 2. Make (one action) more successful by doing something more. * /After Mary sent a letter to apply for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager./ * /The doctor followed up Billy's operation with x-rays, and special exercises to make his foot stronger./ Compare: FOLLOW OUT, FOLLOW THROUGH(2). 3a. To hunt for (more news about something that has already been in the newspapers, radio or TV news); find more about. * /The day after news of the fire at Brown's store, the newspaper sent a reporter to follow up Mr. Brown's future plans./ 3b. To print or broadcast (more news about some happening that has been in the news before). * /The fire story was printed Monday, and Tuesday's paper followed it up by saying that Mr. Brown planned to build a bigger and better store at the same place./

Dictionary of English idioms .      Словарь английских идиом.