1. full
2. to become full
3. to make something full
4. to make something full again after part of what is in it has been used
5. when a place is full of animals, people etc
food that makes your stomach feel full : ↑ FOOD
feeling full of food : ↑ EAT
see also
1. full
▷ full /fʊl/ [adjective]
if a container, room, or space is full, nothing more can go into it :
▪ a full bottle of milk
▪ All the parking spaces were full.
▪ The lecture hall was full for MacGowan’s talk.
full of
▪ The buses were full of people going to work.
▪ You can order a birthday box full of balloons, banners and party favors.
▷ filled with something /ˈfɪld wɪð something/ [adjective phrase]
full of something - use this about a container when a lot of things have been put into it :
▪ Pour the mixture into a tall glass filled with ice.
▪ There were lots of tiny drawers filled with screws and nails.
▷ packed /pækt/ [adjective]
completely full of people - use this about a room, theatre, train, bus etc :
▪ a packed theatre
▪ The plane was packed, because a previous flight had been cancelled.
packed with
▪ On the day of her funeral the church was packed with friends and relatives.
▷ overflowing /ˌəʊvəʳˈfləʊɪŋ◂/ [adjective]
a container that is overflowing is so full that the liquid or things inside it come out over the top :
▪ Sewers were overflowing because of the rain.
▪ The tables were covered with dirty coffee cups and overflowing ashtrays.
overflowing with
▪ a trash can overflowing with garbage
▷ bulging /ˈbʌldʒɪŋ/ [adjective]
something such as a bag or a pocket that is bulging is so full that the objects inside it push its sides outwards :
▪ Wilson carried two bulging shopping bags from the duty-free shop.
▪ a bulging wallet full of credit cards
bulging with
▪ The files are bulging with letters, mailing lists, and information on the subject.
▷ be full to the brim British /be filled to the brim American /biː ˌfʊl tə ðə ˈbrɪm, biː ˌfɪld-/ [verb phrase]
if a container is full to the brim, it is full right to the very top, especially with liquid :
▪ The reservoirs are filled to the brim after the spring floods.
be full to the brim with
▪ The sink was full to the brim with dirty water and dishes.
▷ be chock-a-block /biː ˌtʃɒk ə ˈblɒkǁ-ˈtʃɑːk ə blɑːk/ [verb phrase] British informal
a room, vehicle, or building that is chock-a-block is so full of people that you cannot move easily in it :
▪ The train was chock-a-block and I couldn’t get a seat for the whole journey.
be chock-a-block with
▪ The cinema is usually chock-a-block with kids on Sunday afternoons.
▷ crammed/jammed /kræmd, dʒæmd/ [adjective]
so full of things that nothing else can possibly be put in :
▪ How can children learn in crammed classrooms?
crammed/jammed with
▪ The box was crammed with books.
▪ O'Hare Airport was jammed with holiday flights.
▪ The two resorts are crammed with hotels, discos, bars, and restaurants.
▷ be stuffed with /biː ˈstʌft wɪð/ [verb phrase]
if a container is stuffed with things, it is very full of them because as much as possible has been put into it :
▪ a huge picnic basket stuffed with food
▪ The girls each had a small backpack stuffed with books, cards, crayons, paper, and games.
▪ Police seized the plane and found bags stuffed with 1300 kilos of cocaine.
2. to become full
▷ fill up /ˌfɪl ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb]
to gradually become full :
▪ About half an hour before the performance, the theatre starts to fill up.
▪ The drought has ended at last, and the reservoirs are filling up again.
▷ fill /fɪl/ [intransitive verb]
to become full :
▪ They opened the doors and the hall quickly filled.
fill with
▪ Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.
3. to make something full
▷ fill /fɪl/ [transitive verb]
to put enough of something into a container to make it full :
▪ Mix the spinach and cheese and use it to fill the pasta shells.
fill something with something
▪ We stood at the counter, filling our bowls with salad.
▪ He had a notebook that he had filled with stories and poems.
▷ fill up /ˌfɪl ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb]
to fill a container that already has a small amount of something in it :
▪ The waiter filled up everyone’s glasses.
fill something up with something
▪ If the oil tank is less than half full, tell them to fill it up.
fill up something with something
▪ I filled up the sandbox with some more sand.
▷ stuff /stʌf/ [transitive verb]
to quickly fill something such as a bag or pocket by pushing things into it tightly :
stuff something into something
▪ She hurriedly stuffed some things into an overnight bag and left.
stuff something with something
▪ We had to stuff envelopes with letters and information packs.
▷ cram/jam /kræm, dʒæm/ [transitive verb]
to push too many things into a container or space, so that they are all pressed together :
cram/jam something into something
▪ I crammed all my clothes into the suitcase and called a taxi.
▪ Too many houses are crammed into too small an area.
▪ Fifty-five children were jammed into a classroom designed to hold thirty.
▷ load also load up /ləʊd, ˌləʊd ˈʌp/ [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb]
to fill a vehicle with goods, furniture etc :
▪ Loading the van was hard work.
▪ This giant machine can load up a 10-ton truck every few minutes.
load something into something
▪ A woman was loading groceries into her car.
load something with something
▪ Two men were loading up a truck with boxes of melons.
loaded [adjective]
▪ The runway is too short for the plane to take off when it is fully loaded.
4. to make something full again after part of what is in it has been used
▷ refill /ˌriːˈfɪl/ [transitive verb]
to fill something again, after what was inside it has been used :
▪ If you bring your empty bottles back to the store, we can refill them.
▪ Can I refill anyone’s glass?
refill something with something
▪ The tank was emptied, cleaned, and refilled with fresh water.
refill /ˈriːfɪl/ [countable noun]
▪ A cup of coffee is $1.20, refills are free.
▷ replenish /rɪˈplenɪʃ/ [transitive verb] formal
to make something full again, especially with a supply of something such as water or food :
▪ In an emergency, water can be pumped from the well to replenish the irrigation canals.
▪ Shortages of food and poor transportation mean that the stores are not able to replenish their shelves as often as they would like to.
▷ top up /ˌtɒp ˈʌpǁˌtɑːp-/ [transitive phrasal verb] especially British
to fill a glass, cup etc that is half full or nearly empty :
top something up
▪ ‘More wine anyone?’ ‘Yes, please, could you top mine up?’
top something up with something
▪ Pour a little brandy over the sugar and top it up with champagne.
top up /ˈtɒp ʌpǁˈtɑːp-/ [countable noun] British :
▪ ‘Would you like a top up?’ he said, pointing to her glass.
5. when a place is full of animals, people etc
▷ be teeming with /biː ˈtiːmɪŋ wɪð/ [verb phrase]
be full of people, animals, insects etc all moving around :
▪ The small stretch of water was teeming with wildfowl.
▪ Times Square was teeming with theater-goers.
▪ The tragedy is that this whole region remains teeming with desperately poor people.
▷ be swarming/crawling with /biː ˈswɔːʳmɪŋ, ˈkrɔːlɪŋ wɪð/ [verb phrase]
to be very full of animals, people, insects etc, all moving around very quickly or busily - use this especially when you think this is unpleasant in some way :
▪ At this time of year the town is usually crawling with tourists.
▪ The campsite was filthy and swarming with flies.
▪ Our hotel room was crawling with bugs and roaches.
▷ be jammed /biː ˈdʒæmd/ [verb phrase]
to be full of a lot of people standing or sitting very close together :
▪ Japanese trains may be jammed, but at least they are punctual.
be jammed with
▪ The room was jammed with fans trying to get his autograph.