Meaning of HOSPITAL in English


1. a hospital

2. a hospital for people who are mentally ill

3. a part of a hospital


see also









1. a hospital

▷ hospital /ˈhɒspɪtlǁˈhɑː-/ [countable/uncountable noun]

a large building where sick or injured people are looked after and receive medical treatment :

▪ Lucy works as a nurse at the local hospital.

be in hospital British /be in the hospital

especially American being treated in a hospital

▪ I was in hospital for eight weeks after the accident.

be admitted to (the) hospital

be brought into a hospital for treatment

▪ A man has been admitted to hospital with gunshot wounds.

hospital bed

a place in a hospital for a sick person

▪ There is an urgent need to make more hospital beds available for long-term patients.

▷ medical center /ˈmedɪk ə l ˌsentəʳ/ [countable noun] American

a very large building that contains a hospital, doctors’ offices, and other medical services :

▪ Frank is being treated at Valley Medical Center with minor injuries.

▪ The test is expensive and available only at certain medical centers.

▷ clinic /ˈklɪnɪk/ [countable noun]

a building, often part of a hospital, where people come for special medical treatment or advice about particular medical problems :

▪ The Harvey Clinic specializes in the treatment of alcohol-related problems.

▪ Ellen decided to go to the family planning clinic for some advice.

▷ hospice /ˈhɒspɪs, ˈhɒspəsǁˈhɑː-/ [countable noun]

a special hospital where people who are dying are looked after :

▪ Mary, who was suffering from terminal cancer, spent her last few months in a hospice.

2. a hospital for people who are mentally ill

▷ mental hospital /ˈmentl ˌhɒspɪtlǁ-ˌhɑːs-/ [countable noun]

▪ Shirley spent most of her adult life in a mental hospital.

▪ At the age of 19 Greg had a nervous breakdown and had to be admitted to a mental hospital.

commit somebody to a mental hospital

▪ Knapman was committed to a mental hospital in August.

▷ psychiatric hospital /ˌsaɪkiˈætrɪk ˌhɒspɪtlǁ-ˌhɑː-/ [countable noun]

a hospital for mentally ill people. Psychiatric hospital is more technical than mental hospital :

▪ Humphrey is in a state psychiatric hospital after being convicted of beating his grandmother.

▪ The judge will decide whether Barry will be sent to prison or a psychiatric hospital.

▷ mental institution also institution /ˈmentl ɪnstə̇ˌtjuːʃ ə n, ˌɪnstə̇ˈtjuːʃ ə nǁ-ˈtuː-/ [countable noun] formal

a hospital for mentally ill people - use this especially when you do not think this is a good place for someone to be treated :

▪ Sally spent several years in an institution.

▪ Psychiatrists argue that closing down mental institutions will lead to more homeless people on our streets.

3. a part of a hospital

▷ unit /ˈjuːnɪt, ˈjuːnət/ [countable noun]

a part of a hospital where a particular type of medical problem is treated :

▪ Funding has been approved for a 40-bed unit for the elderly at Aberdare General Hospital.

coronary/psychiatric/intensive care etc unit

▪ A new psychiatric unit will be added to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.

▷ casualty (department) British /emergency room American /ˈkæʒuəlti (dɪˌpɑːʳtmənt), ɪˈmɜːʳdʒ ə nsi ˌruːm/ [countable noun]

the part of a hospital you go to for emergency treatment, for example if you have had an accident or if you suddenly become very ill :

▪ He arrived in casualty with multiple injuries to his head.

▪ Thorpe was treated in the casualty department at Middlesborough General.

▪ Emergency room doctors tried to save Ryan’s life.

▷ ward /wɔːʳd/ [countable noun]

a large room in a hospital or a part of a hospital where a group of patients with similar medical conditions have their beds :

▪ Linda is a doctor in a ward for premature babies.

psychiatry/maternity/pediatric etc ward

▪ When her baby was due, Barbara was admitted to the maternity ward of Mercy Hospital.

▷ outpatient /ˈaʊtpeɪʃ ə nt/ [adjective]

outpatient clinic/department

a part of a hospital where people come in for treatment, although they do not stay at the hospital :

▪ Two outpatient clinics in the area are offering drug treatment programs.

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