Meaning of RADIO in English


1. television

2. radio

3. when a programme is broadcast on television or radio

4. a television or radio programme

5. a television or radio programme that is shown again

6. an organization that broadcasts programmes

7. to present a television or radio programme

8. someone who presents a television or radio programme

9. someone who watches television or listens to the radio


part of a television show : ↑ PART (3)

see also







1. television

▷ television also TV informal /ˈtelɪvɪʒ ə n, ˈteləvɪʒ ə n, ˌtelə̇ˈvɪʒ ə n, ˌtiː ˈviː/ [uncountable noun]

the system of broadcasting pictures and sound, or the programmes that are broadcast in this way :

▪ Television brings events like the Olympic games into millions of homes.

▪ the educational uses of television

watch television/TV

▪ Nearly 80% of children watch TV after school.

▪ People who watch a lot of television are more likely to be heavy.

on television/TV

▪ Kids have to learn that toys they see advertised on TV might not be as much fun as they look.

television/TV programme/show/series etc

▪ American television news programs are getting worse and worse.

▪ a description of the fall season’s new TV shows

television/TV also television/TV set formal [countable noun]

the box-shaped thing with a glass screen on which you watch programmes :

▪ a wide-screen TV

▪ He was sitting on the floor in front of the television.

▪ We need to buy a new TV set.

▷ telly /ˈteli/ [singular/uncountable noun] British spoken

the programmes that are broadcast on television or your television set :

▪ It’s true, I saw it on some show on the telly.

watch (the) telly

▪ You can watch telly after you’ve done your homework.

on telly

▪ Is there anything good on telly tonight?

telly [countable noun]

a television set :

▪ We’ve just bought a new telly.

▷ the box British informal /the tube American informal /ðə ˈbɒksǁ-ˈbɑːks, ðə ˈtjuːbǁ-ˈtuːb/ [singular noun]

use this to talk about programmes on television or people’s television sets :

▪ The hours spent in front of the tube mean that children aren’t participating in other forms of entertainment.

on the box/tube

▪ What’s on the box?

▷ the small screen /ðə ˈsmɔːl ˌskriːn/ [singular noun]

television - use this especially when you are comparing television to films :

▪ I had seen the movie before, but it didn’t look as good on the small screen.

▪ It’s one of the best shows ever seen on the small screen.

2. radio

▷ radio /ˈreɪdiəʊ/ [uncountable noun]

the system of broadcasting sound, or the programmes that are broadcast in this way :

▪ The story was written specially for radio.

listen to the radio

▪ In the evening I usually watch TV or listen to the radio.

on the radio

▪ I’ve often heard that song on the radio, but I can’t think what it’s called.

radio programme/show/series etc

▪ Madden has a daily radio show on KSFO.

talk radio

radio programmes during which people call in to discuss a particular issue

▪ Rush Limbaugh is one of the biggest names in talk radio.

radio [countable noun]

the piece of electronic equipment that you listen to :

▪ Do you have a radio in your car?

3. when a programme is broadcast on television or radio

▷ be on /biː ˈɒn/ [verb phrase]

if a programme is on, it is being broadcast and you can watch it on television or listen to it on the radio :

▪ The Breakfast Show’s on between 8 and 10 in the morning.

▪ You shouldn’t call him while the football’s on.

be on television/TV/the radio

▪ There’s a good concert on the radio this evening.

▪ What’s on TV tonight?

▷ show /ʃəʊ/ [transitive verb]

if a television company shows a particular programme, it makes the programme available for people to watch :

▪ Highlights of the game will be shown on Channel 5.

▪ They’re showing ‘Dangerous Liaisons’ on Saturday night.

▪ Should commercials be shown during children’s programming?

▷ broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːstǁ-kæst/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

if a television or radio company broadcasts a programme, they send it out so that people can watch it on television or listen to it on the radio :

▪ The funeral was broadcast to the whole nation.

▪ Radio WXLM broadcasts on 98.2 FM.

be broadcast live

when an event is shown at the same time that it is happening

▪ The whole race will be broadcast live from Monza.

broadcasting [uncountable noun]

▪ Meyer had no broadcasting experience when he created Midwest Television.

▷ televise /ˈtelɪvaɪz, ˈteləvaɪz/ [transitive verb]

to show a particular event, speech, discussion etc on television :

▪ This year’s championships are not going to be televised at all.

▪ The mayor plans to televise council meetings on cable channels.

▪ a nationally televised speech

▷ screen /skriːn/ [transitive verb usually in passive]

to show a programme or film on television - used especially in newspapers or in the television industry :

▪ ‘Border War’ is to be screened by Channel Four later on in the week.

▪ The film was under attack before it was even screened.

▷ be on the air /biː ɒn ði ˈeəʳ/ [verb phrase]

if a programme is on the air, it is being broadcast at that time, often at the same time that it is happening :

▪ Someone called in while the programme was still on the air and identified the killer.

▪ Winfrey revealed on the air that she had been sexually abused as a child.

▪ The show was on the air for five years it was broadcast at a regular time for five years .

4. a television or radio programme

▷ programme British /program American /ˈprəʊgræm/ [countable noun]

a play, news report, performance etc that is broadcast on television or the radio at a particular time, often regularly :

▪ It’s one of my favourite programs.

programme about

▪ Did you see that programme about cricket on TV last night?

TV/television/radio programme

▪ When couples argue over which TV program to watch, the husband usually wins.

news/comedy/documentary etc programme

▪ a daily news programme aimed at teenagers

▷ show /ʃəʊ/ [countable noun]

a television or radio programme, especially one that is entertaining or funny rather than a news or discussion programme :

▪ I try and tape the shows I don’t want to miss.

game/talk/quiz etc show

▪ ‘Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?’ is one of the most successful game shows ever.

TV/television/radio show

▪ Spelling continues to produce hit television shows.

▷ broadcast /ˈbrɔːdkɑːstǁ-kæst/ [countable noun] formal

something that is broadcast on the radio or on television, especially a speech, discussion, or news programme :

▪ The government has banned all broadcasts by opposition groups.

TV/television/radio broadcast

▪ In a nationwide TV broadcast, the prime minister explained why he was resigning.

live broadcast

a programme being broadcast at the same time as it is happening

▪ The exciting thing about the show is that it’s a live broadcast and anything can happen.

▷ sitcom /ˈsɪtkɒmǁ-kɑːm/ [countable noun]

an amusing programme in which there is a different story each week about the same group of people :

▪ Several family-oriented sitcoms are on in the early evening.

▪ The popular British sitcom ‘One Foot in the Grave’ will finish this year.

▷ soap opera/soap /ˈsəʊp ˌɒp ə rəǁ-ˌɑː-, səʊp/ [countable noun]

a television or radio story about a group of people and their lives, which is broadcast regularly for many years :

▪ American evening soap operas tend to be about the rich, while British soaps follow the lives of ordinary people.

▷ documentary /ˌdɒkjɑˈment ə ri◂ǁˌdɑːk-/ [countable noun]

a programme that gives you facts and information about a serious subject, such as history, science, or social problems :

▪ The documentary explores the success of a Jewish sect intent on keeping ancient traditions alive.

a TV/television documentary

▪ He made a TV documentary about the flower children of the sixties.

fly-on-the-wall documentary

one that shows the daily lives of people in detail, and that is made in a way that makes them forget they are being filmed

▪ a fly-on-the-wall documentary about teenage pregnancy

5. a television or radio programme that is shown again

▷ rerun/repeat /ˈriːrʌn, rɪˈpiːt/ [countable noun]

a television or radio programme that is shown again at a later time or date :

▪ At this time of year, most of the primetime shows are reruns.

▪ I’m not bothered about watching it tonight - it’s a repeat of one I’ve already seen.

▷ replay also instant replay American /ˈriːpleɪ, ˌɪnstənt ˈriːpleɪ/ [countable/uncountable noun]

a short part of a television programme, especially during a broadcast of a sporting event, that is shown again, often at a slower speed, so that people watching can see exactly what happened :

▪ Television commentators often use the replays to criticize the officials.

▪ The television cameras captured the violence and played it again in instant replay.

6. an organization that broadcasts programmes

▷ station /ˈsteɪʃ ə n/ [countable noun]

a company or organization that broadcasts television or radio programmes :

▪ What station are you listening to?

television/TV/radio station

▪ A reporter from a local television station was sent to interview Shaw.

▪ Buck was sports director at radio station KMOX in St. Louis.

▷ channel /ˈtʃænl/ [countable noun]

a particular set of programmes that is broadcast by one television company; there are usually several different channels, and you can choose which one you want to watch :

▪ The final episode will be shown on Channel 4 tonight.

switch/change channels

▪ A lot of people switch channels during the commercials.

sports/nature/kids’ etc channel

a channel that mainly shows sports, programmes about nature, programmes for children etc

▪ the sports channel on satellite TV

▷ network /ˈnetwɜːʳk/ [countable noun]

a group of television or radio stations owned by the same company, which broadcasts the same programmes in different parts of a country :

▪ The series is sponsored by Ford and will be shown over the ABC network.

▪ The rankings list the programs and the network they are shown on.

▪ Cable News Network shows 24 hours of news.

▷ the media/the mass media /ðə ˈmiːdiə, ðə ˌmæs ˈmiːdiə/ []

all the people and organizations that provide information for the public, including television, radio, and the newspapers :

▪ Much of what children learn comes directly from the mass media.

▪ The film has received enormous attention in the media.

▪ There can be little doubt that in this country the media is very biased.

7. to present a television or radio programme

▷ present /prɪˈzent/ [transitive verb] especially British

if someone presents a programme on television or the radio, they talk about what the programme will be about, tell you about what is happening, introduce the other people in it etc :

▪ He was lucky enough to get a job presenting ‘Blue Peter.’

▪ Smiley presents ‘Changing Rooms,’ the popular home decorating programme.

▷ host /həʊst/ [transitive verb]

if someone hosts a television or radio show, they introduce the other people in it, talk about what is happening etc - use this especially about shows in which people talk to each other and programmes in which there are a lot of short reports :

▪ Smith hosts a sports show on a local radio station.

▪ The show, hosted by journalist Robert Elms, features movie stars and singers.

▷ introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːsǁ-ˈduːs/ [transitive verb]

to speak at the beginning of a television or radio programme in order to tell people what it is about and who is in it :

▪ And now here is Harvey Wolfsheim to introduce the show.

▪ The concert will be introduced by Richard Baker, who will describe the music we are going to hear.

8. someone who presents a television or radio programme

▷ presenter /prɪˈzentəʳ/ [countable noun] British

someone on a television or radio programme who tells you what the programme will be about, and introduces the other people in it :

▪ The presenter read the news headlines.

▪ Libby Purves, the radio presenter, has also written several novels.

▷ announcer /əˈnaʊnsəʳ/ [countable noun] American

someone on a television or radio programme who tells you what the programme will be about, or who tells you about a sports game as it is happening :

▪ The announcer said that the contestants had been chosen at random.

▪ Scully was the radio announcer for the Los Angeles Dodgers’ games before moving to network television.

▷ host /həʊst/ [countable noun]

someone who introduces the people on a show and who talks to people or about reports or scenes included in the programme - use this especially about talk shows, game shows, or quiz shows :

▪ Minelli was the host for the two-hour awards program.

▪ Jay Leno, the host of the ‘Tonight’ show

▷ newsreader British /anchor/newscaster American /ˈnjuːzˌriːdəʳǁˈnuːz-, ˈæŋkəʳ, ˈnjuːzˌkɑːstəʳǁˈnuːzˌkæs-/ [countable noun]

someone who reads the news on TV or radio, and introduces news reports :

▪ Lehrer is the respected anchor of the News Hour.

▪ John Humphrys became a top BBC foreign correspondent, newsreader, and co-presenter of Radio 4's Today programme.

▪ Wilson is retiring after 20 years as a newscaster at Channel 7.

▷ interviewer /ˈɪntəʳvjuːəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who asks a famous person questions on television, for example about their personal experiences, political opinions etc :

▪ Paxman is seen as a tough interviewer who rarely lets politicians off the hook.

▪ My most shocking moment as an interviewer was when a movie star came on drunk and threatened to hit my other guests.

▷ anchor /ˈæŋkəʳ/ [countable noun]

the main person who reads the news on a television news programme :

▪ He was the anchor for the BBC’s nine o'clock news for over 10 years.

▷ commentator /ˈkɒmənteɪtəʳǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun]

someone on television or radio who describes an event as it is happening, especially a sports game :

▪ Parcells, the former New York Giants coach, later became a sports commentator on television.

▷ DJ/deejay /ˌdiː ˈdʒeɪ◂/ [countable noun]

someone who plays records and talks to people on a music programme on the radio :

▪ Wolfman Jack was a famous deejay in the 1960s.

▪ DJ Barry Scott hosts an oldies program on WZLX.

▷ VJ/veejay /ˌviː ˈdʒeɪ◂/ [countable noun]

someone who introduces music videos on television :

▪ Hunter is a former MTV veejay.

9. someone who watches television or listens to the radio

▷ viewer /ˈvjuːəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who watches television - used especially by people in the television business :

▪ a programme that appeals to younger viewers

▪ Some shows are cancelled before they get a chance to attract any viewers.

▪ The networks have lost a substantial number of viewers to cable and video rentals.

▷ listener /ˈlɪs ə nəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who listens to the radio - used especially by people in the radio business :

▪ KCEA, a big-band radio station, relies on money from its listeners to keep running.

▪ The station was flooded with calls from listeners after the show.

▷ audience /ˈɔːdiənsǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [countable noun]

all the people who watch or listen to a particular programme :

▪ MTV’s core audience is 18 to 24 year olds.

▪ The program has an estimated audience of 5 million households.

▷ couch potato /ˈkaʊtʃ pəˌteɪtəʊ/ [countable noun] informal

someone who watches too much television, and does not do other things :

▪ Older adults who exercise are mentally sharper than their couch potato peers.

▪ Use your free time creatively to show children there is more to life than being a couch potato.

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