Meaning of SPACE in English


a space that is available to use

1. space

2. to provide space for something

3. ways of saying how much space there is somewhere

4. when there is not a lot of space

a space between two things

5. a space between two things


see also



1. space

▷ space /speɪs/ [countable/uncountable noun]

an empty area that can be used or filled by things or people :

▪ I wish we had more space in our office.

▪ There’s a space on the form where you write the name of your school.

space for

▪ We don’t have enough space for all our furniture.

space to do something

▪ Could you find me a space to store these boxes in?

storage/closet/disk etc space

▪ Our apartment is small, and doesn’t have much storage space.

living/parking space

▪ Tens of thousands of acres of farmland are swallowed up each year by developers seeking living space for the city’s fast-growing population.

office space

▪ We help corporations to relocate, and give them advice on how to maximize office space.

empty space

▪ Where Marion’s photo had once been was now an empty space.


space where there are grass and trees

▪ The city would be unbearable in the summer without its green spaces.

open space

space where there are no buildings

▪ London’s parks and open spaces

▪ the wide open spaces of the American West

▷ room /ruːm, rʊm/ [uncountable noun]

enough space available to put things in, or to use for a particular purpose :

▪ We can’t sit there, there’s not enough room.

have room for

▪ Do you have room for this in your bag?

leave room for

make sure there is enough room for

▪ Leave room for people to get by.

room to do something

▪ He didn’t think he had room to pass the car in front.

room to spare

some room available

▪ They had no room to spare in their car, so we had to take a taxi.

▷ leg room /ˈleg ruːm/ [uncountable noun]

space for your legs, especially in a vehicle :

▪ I enjoy flying Air Canada, because they give you plenty of leg room.

▷ elbow room /ˈelbəʊ ruːm/ [uncountable noun] informal

space to move or work easily :

▪ They stood in the crowd, fighting for elbow room.

▪ In October the museums and art galleries are less crowded, and there’s more elbow room in restaurants.

▷ floorspace also floor space /ˈflɔːʳspeɪs/ [uncountable noun]

the area of the floor of a room, especially the area that can be used :

▪ The workshop is quite big but there’s not much floorspace.

▪ There was just enough floor space for a desk, a chair, and a filing cabinet.

2. to provide space for something

▷ make room /ˌmeɪk ˈruːm/ [verb phrase]

to remove or move someone or something in order to provide space for another person or thing :

make room for

▪ The theater was torn down in the early '80s, to make room for the Horton Plaza Shopping Center.

▪ The campers made room for us around the fire.

▪ There are two more people coming -- can you make room for them to sit down?

▷ clear a space /ˌklɪər ə ˈspeɪs/ [verb phrase]

to move things, especially things that were untidy, to provide a space for something :

▪ She cleared a space on her desk to put her computer.

▪ The gardener was clearing a space so he could plant the young seedlings.

▷ make way /ˌmeɪk ˈweɪ/ [intransitive phrasal verb]

if a crowd makes way for someone or something, it divides to make a space for that person or thing to pass :

▪ If you can all make way please, so we can get through.

make way for

▪ The onlookers stepped back to make way for the ambulance to pass.

3. ways of saying how much space there is somewhere

▷ hold /həʊld/ [transitive verb]

if a container or room holds a particular number or amount, there is space for that number or amount :

▪ This jug holds about a pint.

▪ The hotel dining room can hold up to 50 people.

▪ The gas tank on a small car should hold at least six gallons.

▷ take /teɪk/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive]

to only have enough space to contain a particular number of things, people etc or a particular amount of something :

▪ My car can only take five people.

▪ The freezer will take about 50 litres of ice cream.

▪ I’ll have to throw out some clothes - the closet can’t take any more.

▷ seat /siːt/ [transitive verb]

if a vehicle, room, or table seats a particular number of people, there is enough space for that number of people to sit :

▪ The auditorium seats 500 people.

▪ The Boeing 747 seats 400-425 passengers.

▷ sleep /sliːp/ [transitive verb]

if a house or room sleeps a particular number of people, there is enough space for that number of people to sleep there :

▪ You can rent a country cottage that sleeps six from as little as £300 a week.

4. when there is not a lot of space

▷ a tight squeeze /ə ˌtaɪt ˈskwiːz/ [noun phrase]

when there is only just enough space for things or people to fit :

▪ It was a tight squeeze, but everything eventually fitted into my suitcase.

▪ Put the spare bed in here - it will be a tight squeeze but it’s only temporary.

▷ tight /taɪt/ [adjective]

if space is tight, there is not a lot of it :

▪ We sell furniture specially designed for homes where space is tight.

▪ I’ve never been very good at reversing into tight parking spaces.

▷ cramped /kræmpt/ [adjective]

if a room or building is cramped, there is not enough space to be able to move around it comfortably :

▪ Conditions on board ship were extremely cramped and uncomfortable.

▪ I couldn’t wait to move out of my cramped apartment.

5. a space between two things

▷ space /speɪs/ [countable noun]

▪ Plant cells contain liquid in spaces called vacuoles.

space between

▪ The children hid in the space between the wall and the sofa.

▪ The space between the old building and the Morgan mansion has been converted into a marble-paved court, with plantings and a fountain.

▷ gap /gæp/ [countable noun]

a space between two objects or surfaces from which there is something missing :

gap in

▪ Freddie managed to squeeze through a gap in the fence and run away.

gap between

▪ Melanie’s dentist says that as she gets older the gap between her two front teeth will disappear.

fill/fill in a gap

▪ Melianthus is a good plant for filling in gaps in flower borders.

▷ opening /ˈəʊp ə nɪŋ/ [countable noun]

a space through which something can pass or through which you can see :

▪ Now there is just a gap where the buildings used to stand.

opening in

▪ ‘It’s only Fred,’ said Joyce, looking through an opening in the curtains.

▪ The dog darted through an opening in the hedge, chasing a rabbit.

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