Meaning of SCENE in English



BAD : From the window, there was a beautiful scene of the lake.

GOOD : From the window, there was a beautiful view of the lake.


scene = what you see when you are in a particular place, especially something that is unusual, shocking etc: 'Some of the scenes inside the concentration camp were too horrific to describe.' 'The President arrived by helicopter to witness a scene of total chaos.'

view = the whole area that you can see from somewhere, especially when you can see a long way into the distance: 'Remember to book a room with a view of the sea.'


BAD : The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scene.

GOOD : The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery.


scenery = the natural features of the countryside, especially when seen from a particular place: 'The Lake District is famous for its magnificent scenery.'

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