DUBIOUS : People's attitudes and thoughts don't change overnight.
GOOD : People's attitudes and opinions don't change overnight.
thought = something that you (suddenly) think of, remember or realize: 'Has the thought ever occurred to you that he might be guilty?' 'Does anyone have any thoughts about where we should eat?'
opinion/view = what you feel about something, especially after thinking about it for a long time: 'Journalists are supposed to report the facts, not personal opinions.' 'If you want my opinion - I think he's guilty.'
BAD : They are prepared to kill in order to defend their thoughts.
GOOD : They are prepared to kill in order to defend their beliefs.
belief = a strong feeling that something is true or untrue, good or bad etc: 'In the old days people were persecuted for their religious beliefs.' 'The poet's belief in life after death is not evident in these early poems.'