Meaning of ABREAST in English





Many growers may feel overwhelmed as they struggle to keep abreast of potentially helpful developments.

The trouble was that the purchasing power of the workers did not keep abreast of what they produced.

The parents were both well-educated and kept abreast of good parenting practices.

They must incur debt if they are to keep abreast .


One way to stay abreast of the legal fees is to ask for monthly billings.

Once in their job, industrial production managers must stay abreast of new production technologies and management practices.

In this way, hip Benetton stays abreast of the unpredictable storms of fashion.

These programs help students, estimators-in-training, and experienced estimators stay abreast of changes affecting the profession.


Four women, walking two abreast , approached, their shoes loud on the wooden walkway.

He had been under the impression they were still abreast of Washington.

He strove to come abreast of his more favored contemporary; he was deeply discontented if he failed.

Many growers may feel overwhelmed as they struggle to keep abreast of potentially helpful developments.

My father called us frequently from Tokyo to keep us abreast of the legal work, which sounded complicated to me.

One way to stay abreast of the legal fees is to ask for monthly billings.

Store owners kept each other abreast of these unfortunate incidents and warned each other.

That way you can keep clients and colleagues abreast of how and when they can reach you.

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