Meaning of ADHESIVE in English





It is applied using a special adhesive .

You may even want to use a little construction adhesive under the top row to hold the blocks down.

Quarry tiles are usually laid in a mortar bed, although you can use thick-bed tile adhesive instead.

They are usually mounted on a fabric backing for ease of handling, and are fixed using conventional ceramic tile adhesive .


Borden has added a new grade to its range of bottle labelling adhesives.

But a senior law enforcement source said Monday the residue is an adhesive used to bind plastic parts in airplanes.

Good bonding with reliable adhesives also makes for a good leak-free join.

It is applied using a special adhesive .

Once you have dismantled all the loose joints, carefully remove all traces of the old adhesive .

Such joints are said to pass most of the tests in the specifications for wood adhesives.

Whether you are using glue or egg white, the adhesive is always applied in the same manner.

You may even want to use a little construction adhesive under the top row to hold the blocks down.

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