Meaning of APPRENTICE in English





Graeme did all the cooing at first but has now turned his saucepans over to his talented young apprentice , Steve Webb.

While they were drinking the tea, a young apprentice arrived.

Once at work, what was life like for the young apprentice ?



He married Betsy Adcock, the daughter of a Whittington shopkeeper, and their young William became an apprentice shoemaker in 1796.

You can become an apprentice San Francisco character.

Leaving school, he became an engineering apprentice with Ruston Proctor &038; Co.

Some became apprentices who worked beside a master craftsman to become competent in their field.

He became an apprentice tailor at the age of 10 or 11.

The visits to Miss Havisham's cease when she pays for Pip to become Joe's apprentice .

He was educated at local schools, including the Devonport Classical and Mathematical School, and became an apprentice to his father.

Like Hooker, he was saved from becoming an apprentice by his schoolmaster.


He already trains apprentices , and now welcomes any potential carving students.

But after seeing how broadly trained the apprentices were, employees began to press for even more.

He still enjoyed the hands-on side of mechanics and had enjoyed assisting in the training of apprentices .

Only a Meister can train apprentices or operate a shop.

The offshore industry has trained a handful of apprentices , but these do not compare with its labour requirements.

Grail engineering employs forty people, and is currently training twelve apprentices .


Samuel Oldknow was generally regarded as a humane employer, but even he expected his apprentices to work for thirteen hours.

Some became apprentices who worked beside a master craftsman to become competent in their field.

I have run across a number of apprentices who worked long hours in part-time jobs in addition to their apprenticeships.


A 'Meister' in Germany serves a nine-year apprenticeship before he can run his own shop.

an apprentice chef

I worked as an apprentice electrician for 18 months.

John recalled his apprenticeship to a blacksmith in the early years of the Second World War.

When I finish classes, I'm hoping to land a summer job as a chef's apprentice .


But after seeing how broadly trained the apprentices were, employees began to press for even more.

He already trains apprentices, and now welcomes any potential carving students.

He was an apprentice electrician at Watneys brewery in Mortlake.

If books did not supply apprentices with much, neither did formal training programs, which scarcely existed.

In his system, he would say, apprentices really learn.

In this context, apprentices offer a cheap source of labor.

Leaving school, he became an engineering apprentice with Ruston Proctor & Co.

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