I. ə-ˈpren-təs noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English aprentis, from Anglo-French apprentiz, from aprendre to learn, from Latin apprendere, apprehendere
Date: 14th century
a. : one bound by indenture to serve another for a prescribed period with a view to learning an art or trade
b. : one who is learning by practical experience under skilled workers a trade, art, or calling
2. : an inexperienced person : novice
an apprentice in cooking
• ap·pren·tice·ship -tə(sh)-ˌship, -təs-ˌship noun
II. verb
( -ticed ; -tic·ing )
Date: 1596
transitive verb
: to set at work as an apprentice ; especially : to bind to an apprenticeship by contract or indenture
intransitive verb
: to serve as an apprentice