I. ə-ˈprōch verb
Etymology: Middle English approchen, from Anglo-French aprocher, from Late Latin appropiare, from Latin ad- + prope near; akin to Latin pro before — more at for
Date: 13th century
transitive verb
a. : to draw closer to : near
approach a destination
b. : to come very near to : be almost the same as
its mathematics approach es mysticism — Theodore Sturgeon
as the quantity x approach es zero
a. : to make advances to especially in order to create a desired result
was approach ed by several Broadway producers
b. : to take preliminary steps toward accomplishment or full knowledge or experience of
approach the subject with an open mind
intransitive verb
1. : to draw nearer
the time is fast approach ing
2. : to make an approach in golf
II. noun
Date: 15th century
a. : an act or instance of approaching
the approach of summer
b. : approximation
in this book he makes his closest approach to greatness
a. : the taking of preliminary steps toward a particular purpose
experimenting with new lines of approach
b. : a particular manner of taking such steps
a highly individual approach to language
3. : a means of access : avenue
a. : a golf shot from the fairway toward the green
b. : the steps taken by a bowler before delivering the ball ; also : the part of the alley behind the foul line from which the bowler delivers the ball
5. : the descent of an aircraft toward a landing place