v. & n.
v. 1 tr. come near or nearer to (a place or time). 2 intr. come near or nearer in space or time (the hour approaches). 3 tr. make a tentative proposal or suggestion to (approached me about a loan). 4 tr. a be similar in character, quality, etc., to (doesn't approach her for artistic skill). b approximate to (a population approaching 5 million). 5 tr. attempt to influence or bribe. 6 tr. set about (a task etc.). 7 intr. Golf play an approach shot. 8 intr. Aeron. prepare to land. 9 tr. archaic bring near.
n. 1 an act or means of approaching (made an approach; an approach lined with trees). 2 an approximation (an approach to an apology). 3 a way of dealing with a person or thing (needs a new approach). 4 (usu. in pl.) a sexual advance. 5 Golf a stroke from the fairway to the green. 6 Aeron. the final part of a flight before landing. 7 Bridge a bidding method with a gradual advance to a final contract. approach road Brit. a road by which traffic enters a motorway.
[ ME f. OF aproch(i)er f. eccl.L appropiare draw near (as AD-, propius compar. of prope near) ]