Meaning of ARTICLED in English





Firms began to poach partners and to recruit dozens of assistant solicitors and articled clerks .

They then knock at solicitors' doors, presenting their credentials and asking if there is a vacancy for an articled clerk .

The defendants' articled clerk handled the wife's affairs and negotiated a financial settlement with the husband's solicitors.

Opposite to David's desk stood a smaller one occupied by the articled clerk .

Then Hubert was going to be an articled clerk , straight after school.

He was educated at Clifton College, Bristol, and in 1883 became for three years articled clerk to a London solicitor.


Firms began to poach partners and to recruit dozens of assistant solicitors and articled clerks.

He was educated at Clifton College, Bristol, and in 1883 became for three years articled clerk to a London solicitor.

One minute he's an ordinary guy, the next an articled headcase out to kill everyone.

Opposite to David's desk stood a smaller one occupied by the articled clerk.

The defendants' articled clerk handled the wife's affairs and negotiated a financial settlement with the husband's solicitors.

Then Hubert was going to be an articled clerk, straight after school.

They then knock at solicitors' doors, presenting their credentials and asking if there is a vacancy for an articled clerk.

Within living memory there have been cathedral organists who have taught their skills to articled pupils.

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