Meaning of FORBID in English



a constitution forbids/prohibits sth

Colombia's constitution forbids extradition.

expressly forbidden

He was expressly forbidden to speak to the girl.

strictly forbidden

Alcohol is strictly forbidden on school premises.

the rule prohibits/forbids sth

The rule forbids women from becoming members of the club.




But this last is precisely what Mr Lawson has long wanted to do and the Prime Minister absolutely forbidden .

Plainly in any less desperate case the risk of activating oncogenes would absolutely forbid the use of such a drug.


LEAs were explicitly forbidden to use them to reorganise schools.

It is now in effect explicitly forbidden to do this in any aspect of the instructional program.


They were expressly forbidden to engage in any other activities, of course.

Violent shaking or other gross indignities are expressly forbidden .

He was actually expressly forbidden to speak to me about the matter.

She was going to swim in the lake, alone, because both Nick and her father had expressly forbidden it.

The book of Leviticus expressly forbids it.


Mrs Berzins, who remembered herself as a young woman, did not strictly forbid her to go.

He had found the porter visiting the superintendent nurse in her room, a form of social exchange that was strictly forbidden .

Although we have been strictly forbidden to enter the shed, my sister and I spend a lot of time in here.

In some cultures eye contact between men and women is strictly forbidden outside the immediate family.

The pentecostal faith strictly forbids drunkenness, carousing, and infidelity.

Adam, as a child, had been strictly forbidden ever to go in there.

The Agrarian Code of 1922 strictly forbade the sale of land and the granting of mortgages.



An act of 1975 forbids discrimination against anyone on the ground of race.

Gibbs calls it a blatant violation of the federal Fair Housing Act , which forbids using federal money for gentrification.

The terms of the Act forbade the wearing of political uniforms except on ceremonial occasions.


It does not forbid separating children in sets, according to their abilities and their interests.

Heaven forbid that this child should ever be tainted by the grossness of the world!

It was kept locked, and entry to it forbidden to the children , as Léonie knew perfectly well.


Thanks to bitter memories of dictatorship, the constitution forbids a second consecutive term for any elected official.


Their law doesn't actually forbid the use of machines.

State law forbids campaigning within 100 feet of polling places.

Federal law forbids a union member from taking his own case to court.

Nor could he disregard the Salic Law which forbade the accession to the throne of a woman.

Baja California law forbids land invasions, yet other provisions in the law allow squatters to legalize their holds after five years.

They resented the Forest law which forbade them to hunt over their own lands and woods on pain of heavy penalties.

And exploitation of the tourist appeal is difficult because state law forbids cemeteries to charge admission.


In 1807, Dinah is no longer preaching, the Conference having changed its rules to forbid it.


And exploitation of the tourist appeal is difficult because state law forbids cemeteries to charge admission.

In Griswold, we held that the Constitution does not permit a State to forbid a married couple to use contraceptives.


Their law doesn't actually forbid the use of machines.

The United States has forbidden the use of federal funds for human cloning research.

Opposition Members want us to forbid the use of that personal allowance, if only in part, for a particular purpose.

Plainly in any less desperate case the risk of activating oncogenes would absolutely forbid the use of such a drug.


No doubt this is the reason St Paul, or some one using his name, forbade women to speak in church.


God forbid (that)

God forbid (that)

heaven forbid

Heaven forbid you should have an accident!

And heaven forbid that you should be served by some one in a chain coffee house with a regional accent.

Or, heaven forbid, ridicule him?

modesty forbids


At that time, the state law forbade the teaching of evolution.

The management forbids employees to accept tips from customers.

Their religion forbids the eating of pork.

They were forbidden from entering the sacred chamber.


Indeed, modesty forbade him to contemplate too long what he could count a personal success.

She forbade him to accompany her beyond the door and walked alone over the golden sand past the flower-beds to the gate.

She still did lip service to the old ways, while herself nibbling away at forbidden fruit.

The Countess forbade it in her will, knowing what the beginnings had been.

The logic of transnational production either forbids, permits, or encourages backward linkages.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.