I. noun
sea mist
the morning sun/light/mist
the warmth of the morning sun
Outlook for tomorrow and Sunday: Mainly dry and mild, with sunny intervals after clearance of any early mist or fog.
Soon the early mist would dampen them along the horizon, then put them out one by one.
There was an early morning mist rising from the fens.
Jekub was twenty feet away, vibrating gently in the early morning mist .
The early mist cleared to a fine October day, and there was a little wind from the southwest.
Strands of early morning mist still clung to the hollows as the sun tried to break through the patchy cloudscape.
We tie up the boats and wade up the creek towards it, enveloped in a wind of fine mist .
It was, in fact, a fine mist of spray still being ripped from the sea by the gale.
Tritium has a higher freezing point than water and so could condense into a fine mist indistinguishable from normal fog.
With each whap, Louise was sprayed with a fine salt mist .
The fine mist at the edges of the room seemed to be drifting closer, enveloping her in its clinging tendrils.
Sometimes a fine and fluid mist filled the forest.
There was only chill grey mist , and sooty buildings vanishing some two floors up.
Through this grey mist came fluttering a small shore bird.
The spell was broken one day by a particularly stubborn fisherman who used clubs to beat his way through the grey mist .
The biting wind drove the snow before it, so that the whole dale seemed to be lost in a grey mist .
Her family and friends were obscured by a grey mist and the aisle had been never-ending.
The sky was grey , and mist clung to the tops of the cliffs.
The water was covered with a film of ice whilst above it a grey mist boiled.
She woke in the early dawn and peered around her blearily through the heavy mist that filled the wood.
The sun was coming up, or had already come up, and the heavy mists wore a pearlescent glow.
At 03.50 on the first day of the attack, 12 infantry divisions went forward in heavy mist .
The heavy mist rarely lifted but closed in like a cold, clinging cloud around us.
A heavy mist had fallen, drowning the countryside in its white vapour and making Royston Manor even more sinister.
On the high ground, the soldiers were shrouded in a heavy mist , suiting their purpose perfectly.
Next morning a heavy mist had blown in, covering the land with a blanket of gloomy silence.
Then the red mists cleared and she sank to her knees, picking up the pieces, moaning softly.
Violence suddenly seemed to colour the air between them, a red mist igniting.
She tried to blink the red mist from her eyes, failed, and toppled backwards out of the image field.
The scenes surge back overlaid with a red mist not there when I dreamed.
He saw everything through a red mist .
A towering red mist hung over them where the brick of the villages was pulverized by the bombardment.
It was as if Lucie's pride had been purged away by standing in that vat of swirling morning mist .
They moved on, down the cathedral-like space, soaring columns that dwarfed them disappearing into the swirling mist .
Or was it just the swirling mist playing tricks on his eyes?
Then, as he climbed higher, a thick , damp mist came down and covered everything.
A thick mist lay on the lake, giving it a look of vastness.
But each of you, in his own way, is thick in that mist .
There was a thick mist lying on the track which ran through flat, tedious marshland.
Unfortunately, the thick mist made their work more difficult.
A thick sea mist had rolled in, obscuring most of the priory buildings.
Although thick mist persisted so air reconnaissance was ineffective, Plumer's initial thrust was made at 05.40 on 20 September.
The valley below the adventurers is hidden by a layer of thick mist that seems almost to glow.
A white mist obscured the view, gave the high-rise buildings a ghostly look.
Within moments of setting off, she was lost from view, swallowed up in the white mist .
It was black under the trees and a white mist of dislodged snow hung close to the ground.
Delgard breathed in the frosty air and expelled a white mist as if it were an escaping soul.
There was low cloud, white drifts of mist close down on the ice.
When they reached the farm Cara looked up and to her pleasure observed a white mist obscuring the top of the fells.
The rhetoric of internationalism faded like morning mist before the sun of reality.
Presently the harbor itself became visible across the central Oahu plain, a film of morning mist hovering over it.
It was as if Lucie's pride had been purged away by standing in that vat of swirling morning mist .
He could still envision Grover, the morning mist , the taxi door slamming.
The empire was dissolving like a morning mist .
Then she saw him look across at her and smile, and all her uncertainties vanished like morning mist before the sun.
There were still some drops on the leaves from the morning mist .
The village was lit by a swathe of sunlight which cut through the morning mist .
But then the ship idled there for hours, in its own sea mist of impatience and anxiety.
A thick sea mist had rolled in, obscuring most of the priory buildings.
The air is sticky with a varnish of sea mist .
A sea mist far out kept the lighthouse foghorn blaring.
It's very versatile, and will keep out the sea mist on our holiday in Cornwall in a few weeks.
We set off, with our rucksacks, and half way up the farmhouse had disappeared into the mist .
They appeared and disappeared in the mist and were too far away to have seen us.
They moved on, down the cathedral-like space, soaring columns that dwarfed them disappearing into the swirling mist .
The party disappeared into the mists of history after 1860.
Without even waiting to see her fall he turned and ran, disappearing into the mist .
My knees appeared and disappeared in the mists rising from the tub.
I looked down; the hooves seemed to be disappearing into a little mist which rose up everywhere around us.
All of them with a tap root deep in history and branches lost in mysterious mist .
And, for some reason lost in the mists of time, we need to do that.
The biting wind drove the snow before it, so that the whole dale seemed to be lost in a grey mist .
What actually transpired upon the outbreak of the Civil War is lost in the mists of time it would seem.
Instead, because I know it is cool dampness on rising mists through brilliant foliage, it looks very soothing and friendly.
veil of mist/cloud/smoke etc
The moon was hidden under a veil of clouds, and there was not a breath of wind.
Whose light retires behind its veil of cloud.
A light mist lay in the valley.
A murky mist of smog obscured the view of the city.
From Primrose Hill, London looked like a ruined city shrouded in mist .
The mist along the river banks had gone by mid morning.
Within seconds he had completely vanished in the mist .
About half way through the fifty-kilometer journey, the Dolomites suddenly appeared as the mist lifted.
As Jack took a step towards the figure the mist suddenly cleared and the figure disappeared.
Daybreak A little mist hangs above the pond, which is still save for a single mallard paddling slowly back and forth.
Genius is Wordsworth peering down from Snowdon in the mist .
It was black under the trees and a white mist of dislodged snow hung close to the ground.
Junior standing ready in a glowing shroud of mist .
The mist had curdled to a fog which muffled the street-lamps and reduced visibility to thirty or forty yards.
II. verb
There seemed to be something happening; his vision was misting over .
His vision misted over and he could no longer see.
Her head sank on to her chin and a kind of blank look misted over her eyes.
I n the United States the hot breath of corruption is misting up the mirror of democratic politics.
Placing the Optima beside the bed, that night Douglas's own watch misted up and stopped!
Our speed built up rapidly and the inside of my cockpit started to mist up.
I blow out so hard that I mist up the windscreen.
Mist the plant daily to keep it moist.
Cafe curtains misted the kitchen-side windows.
His breath misted the cold glass and he turned away, indifferent to others' arguments.
I n the United States the hot breath of corruption is misting up the mirror of democratic politics.
Sweat from the washing-up misted her forehead and nose.